Carol's Collectibles Conifers

Winter Color in the Conifers “My love of Conifers is matched by my amazement at the lack of interest so many gardeners have in this huge family—so many beautiful textures, shapes, and sizes and foliage that looks like ferns, green nests, blue pillars. And fluffy, funny witch’s brooms. I love walking through the hoop houses in winter when the summer colors have changed completely to bright yellows, rich bronze and rose. Bright stalwarts in the snow. Come by the nursery and see what you’re missing.

Many Conifers classified as Miniature, Dwarf, and Intermediate are selections or cultivars that are fairly new and have no evolutionary specifications yet. The height listed is an approximation, not a promise. These are the parameters from the American Conifer Society:”

“Miniature grows less than 1″ per year; less than 1′ in 10 – 15 years.
Dwarf grows 1 – 6″ per year; 1 – 6′ in 10-15 years.
Intermediate grows 6 – 12″ per year; 6 – 15′ in 10-15 years.
Large grows 12″ or more per year; 15′ or more in 10-15 years.”

~Carol Yee

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Columnaris Glauuca’

20×2′ Zone 5 Beautiful soft blue vertical frond-like branches. Grows 6’12″/yr. Su

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ellwood's Pillar'Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Ellwood’s Pillar’

6×2′ Zone 5 Fast growing very dense and narrow upright cone. Wonderful emerald green with blue hues. Accent for rock gardens. Sun RG

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis ‘Pendula’

30x 5′ Zone 5 Pendulous soft branches on this weeping Alaskan Cedar. Another stand alone specimen.

Chamaecyparis_obtusa_Blue_FeathersChamaecyparis obtusa ‘Blue Feathers’ (False Cypress)

3×3′ Zone 5 Dwarf globe grows 2-4″ per year with lacy powder blue juvenile foliage.

Cham_obtusa_Chabo_YoderiChamaecyparis obtusa ‘Charbo Yoderi’

4×3′ Zone 5 Dome shaped dwarf with irregular fanlike sprays. Tips bronze in winter. RG BON

Chamaecyparis-obtusa-Crippsii-Am-Conifer-SocietyChamaecyparis obtusa ‘Crisppii’

20×18′ Zone 5 Spreading pyramid of bright golden yellow elongated sprays. Can take full sun.

Chamaecyparis-obtusa-Dainty-Doll-2Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Dainty Doll’

3×4′ Zone 5 This Hinoli grows 1-2″/yr. starting out as a plump mound and maturing into an upright spreader. Has very nice lacy leaves. RG BON

Chamaecyparis-obtusa-Fernspray-GoldChamaecyparis obtusa ‘Fernspray Gold

6×4′ Zone 5 Fernlike drooping and twisting branches are yellow in sun turning bronze in winter.

Chamaecyparis_o_Golden_-FastigiataChamaecyparis obtusa ‘Golden Fastigiata’

3×2′ Zone 5 Rigid upright yellow Hinoki column. Trough accent. RG

Chamaecyparis-obtusa-Kosteri-AM-Conifer-SociieryChamaecyparis obtusa ‘Kosteri’

36×24″ Zone 5 Perfect layers of irregular twisted deep green foliage. Bronze in winter. Slow growing. RG BON

Chamaecyparis_o._MerokeChamaecyparis obtusa ‘Meroke’

3×2′ Zone 5 Slow growing tight narrow-to-conical form with yellow new growth sun but needs afternoon shade. RG

Chamaecyparis-obtusa-Nana-AureaChamaecyparis obtusa ‘Nana Aurea’

6×3 ‘- Zone 5 Faster growing and more open and golder than ‘Nana Lutea’.

(image not available)

Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Split Rock’

4×3′ Zone 5 The bluest Hinoki has both juvenile and mature foliageon upright leader. A compact pyramidal slow grower with irregular juvenile wisps. RG BON

Chamaecyparis_o_Tetragona_AureaChamaecyparis obtusa ‘Tetragona Aurea’

16×14′ Zone 4 Graceful fern-like branches gold in summer beautiful rich bronze swirls in winter. This is one of my favorite conifers. Needs part shade.

Chaemecyparis_obtusa_TorulosaChamaecyparis obtusa ‘Torulosa’

8×4′ Zone 5 Twisted and contorted swirling foliage. Wonderfully weird cockscombs at tips. Great background plant.

Chamaecyparis-obtusa-Tsatsumi-GoldChamaecyparis obtusa ‘Tsatsumi Gold’

4×4′ Zone 5 Contorted coils of green with yellow edges red bark and occasional cockscombs make this a most unusual specimen. Full sun.

Chaemecyparis_obtusa_TorulosaChamaecyparis obtusa ‘Tsatsumi’

4×4′ Zone 5 Twisting curling green foliage with red branches showing through. Compact habit. Cockscombs. Great accent in rock garden. RG BON

Chamaecyparis_pisifera_Curly_TopsChamaecyparis pisifera ‘Curly Tops’

8×5′ Zone 4 Same color as Chamaecyparis p. ‘Boulevard’ but soft blue tufts are twisted at the tips. A streak of white in the needles adds to the distinctive look.

chamaecyparis_true_blueChamaecyparis pisifera ‘True Blue’

3×3′ Zone 4 Dwarf sport of Cham. p. ‘Boulevard’ forms dense round ball with minimal browning. White accents in needles give a shimmering appearance in the sun. RG

Chamaecyparis-pisifera-TsukumoChamaecyparis pisifera ‘Tsukumo’

10″x12″ Zone 3 Extremely slow growing. Fine textured foliage forming tiny cushion. RG BON

chamaecyparis_obtusa__white_pygmyChamaecyparis pisifera ‘White Pygmy’

10×10″ Zone 5 White tips on green background especially strong in Spring make a very tidy flat bun. One you want to pet! Sun

Cryptomeria_j_Black_DragonCryptomeria japonica ‘Black Dragon’ (Japanese Temple Cedar)

10×8′ Zone 5 Rich black/green drooping foliage. New growth light green on dense pyramid. RG BON

Cryptomeria-japonica-Elegans-NanaCryptomeria japonica ‘Elegans Nana’

2×3′ Zone 6 Long green needles on a dense asymetrical mound that is bluish green in summer and purple/bronze in winter. RG BON

Cryptomeria_j_HinoCryptomeria japonica ‘Hino’

2’x2” Zone 5 Cute slow growing tight mound. Green in summer and blackish/burgundy in winter. Sun. RG BON

Cryptomeria_j_Spiraliter_FalcataCryptomeria japonica ‘Spiraliter Falcata’ (Japanese Temple Cedar)

3×3′ Zone 6 Extremely twisted light green foliage. Contorted thin branches show reddish in winter. This is a collector’s Must Have! Sun.

Cryptomeria_j_TansuCryptomeria japonica ‘Tansu’

14×10″ Zone 5 Tight very dense mound of tiny needles. Green juvenile foliage turns orange/bronze in winter. This plant has grown from a cutting in my yard and after 10 years is only 10″ high and wide. It is a neat little gem! RG BON

Juniperus_chinensis_Gold_LaceJuniperus chinensis ‘Gold Lace’

8×36″ Zone 5 Delicate bright yellow streaks radiating outwards on a bacground of spreading blue foliage. Especially stunning in Spring but holds colors through season. Groundcover. Sun.

Juniperus_communis_Gold_ConeJuniperus communis ‘Gold Cone’

4×2′ Zone 3 Bright gold columnar slow grower has silver cast. This is a wonderful accent plant in sun. RG BON

Juniperus horizontalis ‘Howard’s Pancake’ (Creeping Juniper)

2×30″ Zone 5 Howard Pfeifer and Nick Nickou brought this from Newfoundland. Very prostrate spreading soft blanket has burgundy foliage winter. Sun RG BON

Juniperus_h_LimeglowJuniperus horizontalis ‘Limeglow’

10″x spreading Zone 3 Soft V-shaped lime green juvenile foliage stands out amonst other greens. The best show is in winter when the color changes to rosy/pinkish burgundy Fast growing 6-8″/yr. Hard to describe how striking this guy is. Sun

Juniperus_h_Mother_LodeJuniperus horizontalis ‘Mother Lode’

8×40″ Zone 5 Slow prostrate spreading groundcover is orange/gold overall. Winter foliage is plum color. Special crawling over a wall! Sun

Juniperus-squamata-Blue-Star-2Juniperus squamata ‘Blue Star’ (Flaky Bark Juniper)

(Holland) 18″ Zone 4 Steel blue foliage on spreading mound. Really nice accent. RG BON

Larix_Varied_DirectionsLarix decidua ‘Varied Directions’

6x15x15′ Zone 3 Another Dr. Waxman creation. This deciduous larch twists and turns and heads off on it’s own whim.

Metasequoia-glyptostroboides-Dawn-RedwoodMetasequoia glyptostroboides (Dawn Redwood)

30×20′ Zone 5 Deciduous tree with red bark and bright green soft needles which turn yellow in fall This tree was found in China in 1945 after being thought to be extinct. Sun

microbiota_decMicrobiota decussata (Siberian Carpet)

1′ Zone 2 Bright green feathery leaves turn bronze in winter. Groundcover Shade Cary Award

Picea_Peggy_TaylorPicea ‘Peggy Taylor’

1×3′ Zone 5 Peggy Taylor found this at a farm stand with the tomatoes. A beautiful flat top birds nest spruce. Sun

Picea echiniformis ‘Hedgehog’

1×1′ Zone 5 Flat birdsnest type dwarf spruce. This came from Dick Redfield’s Garden. Sun RG

Picea_glauca_Arnesons_BluePicea glauca ‘Arneson’s Blue’

4×5′ Zone 3 Fatter and slower than ‘Conica’. Plant is blue/green and very dense. Sun RG

Picea_glauca_Rainbows_EndPicea glauca ‘Rainbow’s End’

5×3′ Zone 5 Eye-catching new growth waits ’til August to turn yellow. Plant looks like it is decorated with Christmas lights. Dense conical dwarf. Sun RG

Pinus-strobus-Blue-ShagPinus strobus ‘Blue Shag’ (White Pine)

30×40″ Zone 3 Blue/silver needles. A blue ‘Soft Touch’ from Sid Waxman’s Witches Brooms

Pinus_strobus_Ct_SlatePinus strobus ‘Connecticut Slate’ (Eastern White Pine)

Slow blue/green specimen is my favorite of Sid Waxman’s Witches Broom selections and has long needles and a somewhat weeping habit This is a beautiful plant. Sun

Pinus-strobus-Pendula-Am-Conifer-SocietyPinus strobus ‘Pendula’

20×20′ Zone 3 Long blue green needles on cascading twisted branches make this graceful Weeping White Pine a widely used landscape small tree.

Pinus-strobus-Sea.UrchinPinus strobus ‘Sea Urchin’

1×2′ Zone 3 Short blue needles on a wonderful dense Waxman miniature Broom. Sun RG

Pinus_srobus_Shaggy_DogPinus strobus ‘Shaggy Dog’ (Witches’ Broom)

5×8′ Zone 3 Irregular open and unpredictable growth on long needled specimen. Witches’ broom.

Pinus_strobus-Soft_TouchPinus strobus ‘Soft Touch’

4×5′ Zone 3 Slow growth on this soft puff tight ball. This is the most well known of Sid Waxman’s Witches Brooms. Before the deer got to mine it grew to about 30″x40″ and was so dense the teenage snakes used to sun themselves on it’s top. It’s amazingly growing back so I suppose they’ll be back soon too. Yuck! Anyway this is a great plant!

Pinus-strobus-Torulosa-2Pinus strobus ‘Torulosa’

Pinus strobus ‘Torulosa’ (Eastern White Pine Native Sport) 40’ x 40’ Zone 3 Curled, twisted blue needles form a fuller, fast growing tree.

Sciadopitys-verticillataSciadopitys verticillata (Japanese Umbrella Pine)

20′ Zone 4 Long narrow shiny leaves. Slow growing. Unique.

Chamaecyparis-obtusa-TemplehoffChamaecyparis Obtusa `Templehof`

8 x 4′ –   Zone 4 –  Deep green whorls turn bronze in Winter. Click image for enlargement.

Tsuga_canadensis_Winter_GoldThuja orientalis ‘Collen’s Gold’ (Chinese Arborvitae)

10×2′ Zone 5 Very narrow orange/yellow accent conifer. Full Sun

Thuja_orientalis_RafflesThuja orientalis ‘Raffles’

30×10″ Zone 5 Thick vertical flat yellow fronds form squat pyramid. Very slow and unusual!

tsuga_canadensis_bennettTsuga canadensis ‘Bennett’

Zone 4 Compact low growing amd graceful mound. Arching branches. RG BON


Tsuga canadensis ‘Cole’s Prostrate’

5′ Zone 4 Flat dense branches fanning in many directions. RG BON

Tsuga-canadensis-Gentsch-WhiteTsuga canadensis ‘Gentsch White’

4×4′ Zone 5 Frosted foliage on eyecatching dwarf.

Tsuga_canadensis_Winter_GoldTsuga canadensis ‘Winter Gold’

A really yellow sport. Probably same as species but yellow.


Pinus strobus Witches’ Brooms

Dr. Sidney Waxman Pinus Strobus Witches’ Brooms. Grown from seed from mutated clusters found on White Pines. The story goes that Sid would shoot a 22 at the “brooms” until cones would fall to the ground. This saved him from climbing the tree but the rest of the story is that he sent his wife crawling around under the boughs to collect the tiny prizes! Sid spent his life teaching at UCONN and developing many different plants such as Rhododendron ‘Cornell Pink’. He developed a Maple Broom (mine is over 45 years old and is 30″ tall!) and many dwarf forms of conifers and Sciadopytis selections.

Juniperus-horizontalis-WiltoniJJuniperus horizontalis ‘Wiltoni’

1  x 7′  –  Zone 3 – Prostrate creeper. Tolerates Drought, erosion, heat, poor rocky/dry soils AND is Deer Resistant! Click image for enlargement.

Juniperus-procumbens-NanaJuniperus procumbens ‘Nana’

8 x 6″ –  Zone 4 – Prostrate creeper. Tolerates Drought, erosion, heat, poor rocky/dry soils AND is Deer Resistant! Click image for enlargement.

Juniperus-squamata-Blue-Star-2Juniperus squamata ‘Blue Star’

Zone 4 – 1-2’H x spreading – Slow growing steel blue conifer does well in dryer soils

Juniperus_chinensis_Gold_LacePicea pungens ‘Glauca Globosa’

4 x 5′ – Zone 2 – Dwarf Colorado Blue Spr ce loves sun/moist soil. Incredible color specimen. DR. Click image for enlargement.

Pinus strobus ‘Horsford Dwarf’

28×42 – Zone 4 – Miniature soft needled conifer. Likes Sun/moist . Prune upright growth. DR. Click image for enlargement.

Thuja-occidentalis-SmaragdThuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’

14×4 – Zone 2 – Pyramidal shape is cleaner, more formal than usual Arbovitae selections, Unfortunately, Deer love them. Click image for enlargement.

Juniperus-horizontalis-Bar-HarborJuniperus horizontalis ‘Bar Harbor’

Juniperus horizontalis ‘Bar Harbor’ (Native Creeping Juniper) 1’ x 5’ Z 3 Tough groundcover Conifer grows quickly in dry, shallow, rocky, windy and steep sites. Green/blue/purple • Habitat

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