“Here you will find the Japanese Maples and others that probably won’t get over 25′ tall but are of tree form. Again, my interest is in the unusual and hard to find. Some of the Maples are over ten years old. Wicked good prices on the larger on“`es. Most shrubby trees 8’ and under are in the Woody Ornamentals section.”
~ Carol Yee
Acer palmatum ‘Butterfly’
9-12′ Zone 5 Beautiful deeply-lobed leaves. Pink/cream/white/green shades in Spring. White/green with pink blush all summer.
Acer palmatum ‘Emperor I’
15′ Zone 5- New red cutleaf maple.Leaves open later than most avoiding late frost.
Acer palmatum ‘Orido-Nishiki’
15×12′ Zone 5 Red/pink/cream/green in Spring. Holds cream/pink/green all Summer.
Acer palmatum ‘Red Pygmy’
6’x6′ Zone 5 Red dwarf globe. Fine leaves turn maroon in summer and scarlet in fall
Acer palmatum ‘Ruslyn In the Pink’
20′ Zone 5 First flush is bright red pink fades to green purple. New growth once again in pink.
Acer palmatum ‘Trompenburg’
16′ Zone 5 Eight-lobed deeply cut leaves are deep purple/red first then turn reddish green in Summer and bright red in Fall.
Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Sieryu’
8′ Zone 5 Very delicate red leaf. Can take full sun. Upright specimen. Extreme red in Fall.
Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Waterfall’ and ‘Tamukeyama’
6×8′ Zone 5 Weeping, clumping, cutleaf specimens. First is red. Second is red.
Acer shirasawanum ‘Autumn Moon’
10×10′ Zone 5 Chartreuse spring leaves show rust/pink tones become orange in summer. Fall color is orange/red/yellow. More vigorous, heat and cold tolerant and hardier than ‘Aureum’.
Amelanchier x grandiflorum ‘Autumn Brilliance’
20’x15′ Zone 4 Prolific white flowers. Good fruit for birds. Great hardy shadblow. N
Betula nigra ‘Little King’
10-15′ Zone 3 A smaller more compact white birch. Exfoliating bark. Yellow fall color.
Cornus alternifolia ‘Golden Shadows’
10′ Zone 3 Large heart shaped leaves lacy white spring flowers in high shade.
Cornus kousa ‘Wolf Eyes’
6’x6′ Zone 5 Variegated pink shades in fall. ivory flowers and fruit.
Cotinus ‘Golden Spirit’
10’x10′ Zone 4 A new yellow leaved smokebush.
Cotinus coggygria ‘Royal Purple’ (Smokebush)
10′ Zone 5 Purple/red foliage. Fluffy purple flowers in summer.
Cotinus coggygria ‘Young Lady’
8’x6′ Zone 4 Soft pink “smoke” June-Aug. Profuse bloomer at young age
Franklinia alatamaha
15×12′ Zone 5 Named after Ben Franklin and extinct in the wild now. Camillia-like fragrant flowers in August to September. Needs very good drainage.
Heptacodium miconioides (Seven-Son Flower)
1- 5′ Fragrant cream/white clusters in September. Red calyxes persist in Fall. Exfoliating tan bark. Wonderful small tree. CA
Magnolia ‘Daybreak’ (Kehr)
16’x10′ Zone 5 Extremely fragrant upright. Blooms in May. Pink. North Cascade Magnolia owners pick as their favorite.
Magnolia ‘Sunsation’ (Kehr)
25×20′ Rich yellow. Late May blooming.
Magnolia acuminata ‘Butterflies’
40×40′ Zone 4 Deep canary yellowfour inch flowers.
Magnolia liliflora ‘Jane’
20×20′ Zone 5 Rich burgundy outer petals ivory inside on fragrant flower. Reblooms. George Holmes (Little Bit’s vet)has an old one at his office That is covered with bloom in Sept. some years.
Magnolia sieboldii
20×16′ Zone 5 Gorgeous camellia-like cup. White flowers fragrant all summer.
Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’
15-20 x6-10′ – Zone 5 – Darkest magenta on market. Burg/red 6″ blooms before leaves in early Spring. Click image for enlargement.
Magnolia ‘Genie’
12 x 5′ – Zone 5 – Fragrant 6″ cupped burgundy flowers. early Spring and second flush Aug. Sun DR. Click image for enlargement.
Oxydendrum arboreum (Sourwood)
Oxydendrum arboreum (SEA Native Sourwood) 25’ x 15’ Zone 5 Fragrant Summer white drooping ra- cemes • red Fall color • Needs moist soil • bees make Sourwood honey
Acer Palmatum `Baldsmith`
Rhus typhina ‘Tiger Eyes’
Rhus typhina ‘Tiger Eyes’ (Natural Cultivar of NA Staghorn Sumac) 6’ x 6’ Zone 4 Delicate, deeply dis- sected yellow foliage • pink stems • dwarf Sumac • limited suckering • Pure gold in Fall • Unique Asian Winter profile
Aronia Melanocarpa ‘Viking’
Aronia melanocarpa ‘Viking’ (EUS Native Selection of Chokeberry) 5’ x 4’ Zone 3 Large glossy berries are highest fruit in antioxidants • self pollinating • bright red Fall • bees /butterflies/birds/ humans
Cornus kousa ‘Radiant Rose’
15 x 15′ – Zone 5 – 10 °F hardier than ‘Santomi’ . Deep pink July bloom. Orng/red Fall. Red fruit. Click image for enlargement.
Cornus kousa ‘Venus’
15 x 15′ – Zone 5 – June-July 6 – white blooms. Bright red fruit in Fall. Mulch shallow roots especially South. Click image for enlargement.
Syringa patula ‘Miss Kim’ (Korean Lilac)
Fragrant purple panicles in May. Dense shrub.
Syringa vulgaris ‘Krasavitsa Moskvy’
12′ Zone 4 Fragrant pale pink/white flowers.
Syringa vulgaris ‘Prairie Petite’
2×2′ Zone 4 Fom irradiated seed at University of Nebraska. Fragrant dark purple dwarf lilac.
Syringa x prestoniae ‘Miss Canada’
8×5′ Zone 2 Four inch panicles.Bbright pink early June flowers.
Prunus glandulosa ‘Rosea’
4 x 3′ – Zone 4 – Dwarf Flowering Almond. May dbl. pink. Sun/Pt.Shade. Likes moist, rich soil. Prune after bloom. Click image for enlargement.
Syringa hycinthiflora ‘Declaration’
8×8′ – Zone 5 – Massive May extremely fragrant cones. Dark, dark reddish purple. USDA intro. Full, Pt Sun. All pollinators. Click image for enlargement.
Syringa vulgaris ‘Sensation’
12×8 – Zone 3 – Fragrant purple Lilac has white picotee edged petals. April-May. Butterflies, Bee, Hummers. Click image for enlargement.
Syringa vulgaris ‘Yankee Doodle’
8×6 – Zone 3- Darkest purple and one of the latest. Fragrant. Early June. Father Fiala hybrid. All Pollinators.
Syringa x chinensis ‘Lilac Sunday’
10×8′ – Zone 3 – Arnold Arboretum hybrid. Fragrant ,huge, long pink panacles June. Leaves curl in Summer but ok. Click image for enlargement.
Betula nigra ‘City Slicker’
Betula nigra ‘City Slicker’ (US Natural Sport of River Birch) 30’ x 20’ Zone 5 Creamy white exfoliating bark • drought/heat tolerant • prefers moist soil • bees/pollinators